Azmayen Sabil

Software Engineering Undergrad at IUT


What I do


JAVA, C++, Javascript
Node, Express, MongoDB, SQL
React, HTML, CSS
Git, Jira, Problem solving


🚧 MedAid | A Website for Medical Services

Sep '22 - Dec '22

Worked as a Backend Developer

  • Developed a website that provides medical services, that suggests doctors to the patient based on symptoms.
  • And also book appointments online, getsuggestions for buying medicine and diagnostic centers for tests.


🚧 Angry Spartan | A 2D Platformer Game

April '21 - Oct '21

Programmer and Designer

  • Developed a 2D platformer game where players control a Spartan warrior on a quest to defeat enemies and collect points.
  • The game features challenging levels, power-ups, and boss battles.


  • Too many modules to keep track of.
  • Graphics related part was a bit tricky
🚧 Tic Tac Toe | A JAVA Game

Aug '21 - Oct '21

Sole Developer

  • Developed a Tic-Tac-Toe game using Object-Oriented Programming principles in Java.
  • The game has a user-friendly interface with different themes toselect and the ability to play against an AI opponent.


  • To maintain the SOLID principles in a project like this.
🚧 Stock Price Prediction | Machine Learning Project

Oct '22 - Dec '22

One of the top contributors

  • Used different machine learning models like ARIMA, LSTM and Random Forest Classifier models to predict stock prices.
  • Evaluated its performance using various metrics. Achieved high accuracy and precision in stock price prediction around 77% accuracy score.


  • To find a proper dataset and preprocess it for better outcome.
  • Implementing different model by tweaking hyperparameters to increase accuracy


🚧 BSc in Software Engineering

Islamic University Of Technology

2020 - Current

Current CGPA: 3.78 out of 4.00

🚧 Higher Secondary Certificate

Bir-shrestha Noor Mohammed Public College

2017 - 2019

GPA: 5.00 out of 5.00